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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Planning-Produce Gantt Chart

Today,we discuss about planning work schedule and activity along this semester for our final year project.Overall,we had decided that our project work and progression  is divided into among of us. 
Furthermore ,the project is moving parallel  between construction of our circuit,blog and our final report.We do the report step by step and we will sent to our supervisor to check our progression.By the way, we had set up our planning of project in term of gantt chart which are by week and another one is planning by date.

 P/S: Our planning gant chart is not including weekend

Below are sketching of our planning -Produce gantt chart (in a piece of paper)

we depend on academic calendar and FYP Calendar:

This more detail by week :

Below are the picture of our gantt chart and planning overall by week :
This view of picture is not good ,just want to show our progress :).

Above is planning by a week

In our Gantt Chart and Planning By week ,we are not include the activity of meeting with our supervisor,but we always refer and contact to our supervisor when we had a problem, need some help and advise from him.Our meeting schedule will be on Thursday.

For information,on week 4,our project still in progress but we had to postpone on week 5 because of Eidulfitri, but we still always updating our work.The progression is running smoothly.In addition, we will make sure, the planning for our project will end by the date that we planned in gantt chart which is on week 15 ( all the report and blog will be done).Any changes will  be update soon.

Next our progress will update on next post :)